Friday, June 10, 2011

We arrived in Calgary a couple days ago and I am experiencing jet lag...excuse odd comments if they occur as they are a product of exhaustion...

The day we left was one of the hardest days of our trip for me. I had to say goodbye to my home stay and my friends that I had made without knowing when, or if, I would get to say hello again. Aki took us all the way to the airport and we cried as we hugged a "see you later..." It was then that I realized how fragile overseas friendships can be and I vowed to myself that I will email her and keep contact.

This experience was truly valuable for me as I believe I have grown through it. The TAB program allows students to see first hand how the education systems of other countries operate while teaching new strategies and skills. I have learned so much about my own pedagogy and re-evaluated the ways that I thought a teacher "should be"....because of this program I was able to gain first hand knowledge through experiences with a culture and for that, I am truly grateful.

The memories that I have made, friendships I have formed and love of travel that I have gained through this experience are things that I will hold dear to my heart and are those that will never be forgotten. My coming home was bitter sweet for me in that I am excited to be home surrounded by my family and friends yet sad to leave other loved ones behind.

I will never forget....Thank you to everyone who helped make our stay so memorable...


  1. the most minutes, to run. But the saving grace is that I actually am one of the few people still alive who knows how the computer really works! I hope to god that some of the computer programs that I helped to write during the late 50's for determining the hottest channel in the nuclear core of a reactor have been renovated but I wouldn’t be surprised if they have not. CO
